I have added the links to a few petitions that are currently circulating on http://www.change.org. If you could take the time to sign them and to sign other petitions of interest that would be great!! Attached below, I have added petitions for Sandra Bland, Tamir Rice, a petition against a ban in Houston that makes it a crime to feed the homeless, and a petition for Congress to change the sentencing guidelines for convicted individuals of crime. Please take the time to sign them and add the link on your Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages. Let your voice and signature count and help others! It could easily be you, in any of these situations and you would want someone to help you. This is what us Sociologists call “veil of ignorance”. We should all operate under a “veil of ignorance”…meaning we should always make decisions for the greater good, and make these decisions from a point of view that is ignorant of the position we would hold in life. For instance, let’s say we would have to draw our lifestyles from a hat. Whatever is on that piece of paper is the life you have to live. If you draw from the hat, a piece of paper that says you’re an 80 year old homeless man, or a 6 year old gay boy, or a 25 year old multimillionaire, etc. you would be stuck with that position in life. Therefore, we should always make choices from under a “veil of ignorance” because we would never know how our life might turn out. We would all want a fair chance at life. So we should give others a fair chance as well. The petitions are below. Please feel free to add a link in the comments section for a petition that you would like for me or the readers to sign as well.

Sentencing Guidelines Petition

Sandra Bland Petition

Tamir Rice Petition

Houston Ban on Feeding the Homeless Petition

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