Mission Statement

This blog has been created in order to bring attention to the social issues which concern minorities in American society; primarily African Americans. Issues such as racism, social inequality, unequal access to resources, such as, education, housing, employment, proper nutrition, and mental health will be discussed. Also, issues within the criminal justice system, drug addiction, politics, unemployment, social dislocation, social cohesion, and economics, among other topics, will be discussed in an effort to bring much needed attention to the issues which must be addressed to elicit the social change and awareness which is absolutely vital to social and individual reform.

The title “Revolution Matters” has been selected due to a sense of inspiration incited by the book “Race Matters”, authored by Cornel West. This blog is not to incite a social revolution or overthrow of government. However, this blog is to incite a revolution within each individual reader’s mind, psyche, and conscious, as we are the fabric of American life. When progress is made within each individual within society, progress is made in society as a whole; as we are all connected. The blog aims to bring a sense of emergence to the social issues which plague urban communities in an effort to bring change in policy, as research has proven detrimental to the overall well being and maintenance of a functionally viable society where everyone is considered and treated equal.

In no fashion, will this blog be utilized as a form of racism, bigotry, stereotypical deliveries, nor social agitation. Any racist comments are forbidden, however, everyone is entitled to their opinion and the right to freedom of speech will be granted within this blog.

Build and Destroy!

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